Tuesday 22 March 2016

Things You Need to Know Before Purchasing Your Best Smoking Set

Best Smoke Box Case

Many times it so happens that you do one thing wrong just because you are unaware of right procedure for accomplishing it. That's why it is an imperative to know the right method. This is true for everything including the habit of smoking.  There are of course some ways that should be kept in mind prior to investing for smoking. You may purchase the best smoking set available, but if you don’t know how to use them perfectly, you will not be able to enjoy.  This is the reason having the proper knowledge is always helpful.

Below are mentioned some of the things that you must be aware of before you start investing the extra bucks.

Things to Consider for Buying the First Pipe
  • It is always advisable that your first pipe should not be a briar pipe.  Corn cob pipe will be the best choice for your first tobacco pipe. But if you do not prefer that you can try a broken-in estate pipe or a meerschaum one.
  • What you can do is you can purchase two different varieties of corn cob pipes to know which style suits you best. After that, you can go for a briar pipe since you know your style now.
Things to consider for choosing the pipe tobacco

Tobacco is the most vital ingredient for smoking. Before buying the best smoke box case, it is a mandate that you should know your style of tobacco.
  • For the beginners, it is always desirable that you start with a slightly aromatic tobacco blend.
  • You should try to smoke the same brand of tobacco initially. This is because too much mixing and matching might change the taste of the tobacco and you may not like it.
  • The brand new tins of tobacco are a bit wet. So it may call for adjustment of the moisture. This is why you may make the tobacco seated on a napkin and then take it for the pipe-packing.
  • There is another thing that you should keep in mind, and it is the fact that the tobacco should never be pinched while the pipe is being packed.
Things to consider for packing the pipe 
  • While packing the pipe take extra care to ensure that the tobacco at the bottom of the pipe should be a bit loosely packed. This is because your pipe is fed from the bottom and that is why the tobacco should not be too tightly packed at the lower part so as to draw the air smoothly from there.
  • While drawing the pipe, you should put no resistance or a very little amount of resistance. This again varies from user to user, and so you need to experiment to know your style.
The above tips are going to enhance your pipe smoking experience in the long run.